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Help Home
provides additional guidance to users about the Medicare provider enrollment and enrolling process. Help is broken up into the following sections.
About Internet-based PECOS
Presents an overview of the system, processes, and benefits.
How to get Access to Internet-based PECOS
Presents summary information on accessing Internet-based PECOS.
User Accounts
Presents additional information regarding account information.
New Enrollment Checklists
Presents checklists of information that will be needed to complete enrollments via Internet-based PECOS.
Provider Enrollment Application Fee
Presents instructions on where to submit the Provider Enrollment Application Fee payment.
How-to Guides
Presents additional information regarding how to view, navigate, search, and print in Internet-based PECOS.
Presents information about the accessibility and compatibility features of Internet-based PECOS.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Presents a list of common questions and their answers regarding the use of Internet-based PECOS and the Medicare provider enrollment process.
Presents Medicare provider enrollment terms and definitions.
Links to More Information
Presents a list of external resources for additional Medicare related information.
Contact Information
Presents a list of contact information for Internet-based PECOS user account issues.