
How-to Guides

The following sections are a collection of common 'how to' questions regarding viewing, navigating, searching, and printing information within Internet-based PECOS. Please click on a section link for information.

Expand How to View Information  Provides guidance on using web browsers, configuring monitor settings, opening PDF files and viewing links.


This site is best viewed by using recent versions of Internet browsers. Older browsers may cause issues with viewing certain areas of this site. To determine the version of the browser on the computer being used for online Enrollment, select ‘Help’ at the top of the browser window and then ‘About (browser type)’. Viewing this site will work best when the following browsers are used: Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Opera. For information on downloading current versions of these browsers, visit or

Monitor Settings

This site is best viewed when monitor resolution settings are 800 by 600. To determine the monitor settings on the computer being used for online Enrollment, select ‘My Computer’, then ‘Control Panel’, then ‘Display’, and then ‘Settings’.

PDF Files

Viewing files in PDF Format requires Adobe Acrobat Readeropens new browser window. If you experience problems with PDF documents, please download the latest version of the Reader®(opens new browser window).


Hyperlinks are either blue in color, in boldface, and/or underlined. The hyperlink may either be displayed as the actual full link or masked with a word or phrase (for example, ‘More Information’). To view the information provided by a hyperlink, simply click the hyperlink.

Expand How to Navigate Through the Site  Provides guidance on how to use the navigation buttons on each in Internet-based PECOS.

Navigation buttons are provided on each page. Each navigation button and its function is listed below:

  • Previous Page - Allows review of information entered on the previous page of a Topic.
  • Next Page - Allows skipping to the next page of a Topic.
  • Previous Topic - Allows skipping to the previous applicable Topic.
  • Next Topic - Allows skipping to the next applicable Topic.
  • Return to Topics - Allows a return to the Topics Menu page.
  • Save - Allows saving of information entered or edited in a Topic.
  • Cancel - Allows the discontinuation of the work performed in the Topic and returns to the summary page of the Topic.
  • Add Information - Allows entering of information for the Topic.
  • Edit - Allows editing of a particular record in the Topic.
  • Delete - Allows removal of a particular record in the Topic.
  • Start Application - Allows the initiation of the Enrollment process.
  • Begin Submission - Allows the start of the submission process.
  • Submit - Allows the finalization of the application process and submits the Enrollment to the selected Medicare fee-for-service contractor.
  • View and Print - Allows the viewing and printing of the list of Topics that applies to a specific Enrollment process based on the questionnaire.
  • Add More - Allow the entering of multiple sets/rows of specific information in a Topic. Also, inserts a blank row for the specific data set. Note: A row cannot be deleted; however a row can be left blank indicating that there is no data to save.

Expand How to Search for Information  Provides guidance on how to search for terms or phrases on a page within Internet-based PECOS.

In order to search for a word, words, or phrase on each page, a specific keystroke must be performed. ‘CTRL + F’ initiates a pop up box to appear for the user to query for a word, words, or a phrase on the current page. Once the search term(s) is entered, results are returned by pressing the ‘ENTER’ key. If the search is successful, the result(s) is highlighted on the page. If the search is unsuccessful, a message appears indicating that no results have been found. Below are tips to keep in mind when searching:

  • The word, words, or phrase queried MUST be an exact match in order to return a successful result. This includes the ordering of words within a phrase. Searching for one or two words at a time may return more successful results.
  • Do NOT use quotation marks around search items.
  • Searching for a word may appear within another word. For example, searching for the word ‘doctor’ may return results ‘doctor’ by itself and ‘doctors’ since the word ‘doctor’ is contained in the word ‘doctors’.
  • Queries are NOT case sensitive; typing search items in either uppercase or lowercase will return a successful result.

Expand How to Print Information  Provides guidance on printing documentation that may be required for the Medicare enrollment submission process.

In order to print a page using the conventional method, select 'File' and then 'Print' from the menu bar on the browser window.

When there is a requirement to print a specific document within a Topic, the Topic will display a 'View and Print' hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink renders the document in the appropriate format and presents printing options.

When there is a requirement to only view a specific document, there will only be a view link available, such for the 855S form where the DMEPOS Supplier Standards can be only viewed and not printed.