The following sections are a collection of common 'how to'
questions regarding viewing, navigating, searching, and printing
information within Internet-based PECOS.
Please click on a section link for information.
This site is best viewed by using recent versions of Internet browsers.
Older browsers may cause issues with viewing certain areas of this site.
To determine the version of the browser on the computer being used for
online Enrollment, select ‘Help’ at the top of the browser
window and then ‘About (browser type)’.
Viewing this site will work best when the following browsers are used:
Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Opera. For information on downloading
current versions of these browsers, visit or
Monitor Settings
This site is best viewed when monitor resolution settings are 800 by 600.
To determine the monitor settings on the computer being used for online Enrollment,
select ‘My Computer’, then ‘Control Panel’,
then ‘Display’, and then ‘Settings’.
PDF Files
Viewing files in PDF Format requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader
If you experience problems with PDF documents, please
download the latest version of the Reader®
Hyperlinks are either blue in color, in boldface, and/or underlined.
The hyperlink may either be displayed as the actual full link or
masked with a word or phrase (for example, ‘More Information’).
To view the information provided by a hyperlink, simply click the hyperlink.